

A mice eats 15-20 times a day. Therefore, they usually build their homes close to food sources, tending to only travel up to 8m from their burrows to find food. They are usually NOCTURNAL ANIMALS. They have poor eyesight but make up for this with their very good hearing and smell.

Rats can live up to 18 months, but most die before they are only 1 year old. They are scavengers (an animal that feeds on dead animals including insects.

Rats and mice can be difficult to control and are a year-round pest. That being said, our call volume for them goes up significantly in the fall and winter months. Why is that? When it gets cold, rodents seek shelter inside a structure. Just like you, rodents want to come inside to get warm. Add seeking shelter to rats and mice looking for food and water, and your house starts looking like a mega vacation resort.We don’t currently deal with larger rodents such as raccoons, possums, etc. But call us anyway – we can always point you in the right direction if we can’t help you personally.

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